Analysis of the productive components of the El Puente farm
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At Hacienda El Puente, Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, the economic elements of this estate were determined, with a duration of 60 days. The collected data were subjected to statistical analyzes such as: standard deviation, frequency histograms, mean and the economic study through the benefit / cost indicator. For the economic and technical analysis, production costs were considered, based on fixed costs, variable costs, cost structure and profitability. Regarding the part of production that intervened in 2017 at Hacienda el Puente are the variable costs: sanitary aspect ($ 5178.81), feeding and supplementation ($ 16070.68), reproduction and livestock improvement ($ 3,265.45), occasional labor ($ 1932.00), transportation ($ 3324.70), and fixed costs: administrative cost ($ 3293.72), permanent labor ($ 14,400.00), tools ($ 1,528.23), machinery ($ 18,272.00), facilities ($ 3808.00), equipment and accessories ($ 4188.95). In addition, the income generated by the sale of milk during this year was $ 70,978.36; where, the cost of producing a liter of milk was $ 0.49; its sale is $ 0.55; achieving a net profit of $ 0.06 for each liter of milk sold and a cost benefit of $ 1.13; which shows that for every dollar invested there is a profit of $ 0.13 ctvs. It is recommended to make a better daily record of the expenses that are made in this farm, avoiding overlooking minor expenses that affect the correct economic analysis of this Hacienda.
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