Training as a generator of business value
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Every time in the organizations the qualification has become a very powerful tool to improve the performance of the workers. In addition, it allows us to systematize processes that the professionalization of the personnel in the company facilitates. It contributes significantly to retain to the human talent as part of its practical emotional wage.
Counting on an efficient qualification, also allows the company to innovate, to develop competitive, corporative and functional strategies, supported in the use of technologies of the information, with an ethical sense and of social responsibility. The qualification must visualize and to be applied in the organizations like a right and an obligation between company and collaborator, the human managers we would have to foment these “good practices” and to create laws that therefore do it.
The qualification to the being a planned activity in where all the actors of the company and all the processes of human talent take part to generate a diagnosis landed to the reality of these companies, without a doubt, fortifies the structure of the organization fundamentally and the formation, education and development of the human talent that it toils.
Finally, we demonstrated that the qualification influences directly to the development of knowledge, competitions, abilities and skills, fortifying the integral quality of the organization.
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