Interaction of the management audit in the strategic direction of transport cooperatives
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The modern business reality of the different organizations at the global level regarding the evaluation of the fulfillment of objectives, leads to the diagnosis of the interaction of the management audit in the strategic direction, for which it is necessary to consider the inclusion of the components of the social responsibility in its management, is when the urgent need arises for the reports of the execution of this type of audit to form part of the strategic vision of any organization, therefore in the case of passenger transport cooperatives in Ecuador it is necessary assess the influence of the measurement of the social component in the strategic direction, an issue that given its fragmentation in the bibliography, it was determined as a general objective of this work: to structure a research design that allows addressing this situation at its different levels, in this sense for this study a procedure of diagnosis, in which four (4) stages of work characterized in three (3) levels were determined: the first consisting of the cooperative government and the representatives of the financial area of the cooperative who will be called managers; The second is made up of the external auditors who will be the controllers, and the community representatives considered users that correspond to the third level of the proposed procedure.
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