Professional technical training to develop work skills in technical baccalaureate students

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Diana Elizabeth Molina Barbotó
Adolfo Stalin Molina Barbotó
Ramón Guzmán Hernández
Luis Manuel Maceo Castillo


Introduction. The proposal for a Vocational Technical Training program is presented, designed to develop work skills in technical high school students. The development of the program is based on the identification of skills and knowledge most in demand by the current labor market. Objective. Develop a professional technical training program aimed at improving the development of work skills in Technical Baccalaureate students, adapted to demands of the productive sector. Methodology. The research has a mixed approach, by virtue of having used qualitative and quantitative methods, which included surveys of students and interviews with teachers. Through observation and analysis of previous studies on the topic, constructive learning became possible, to obtain the best solution to the problem. Results. As part of the development process, the results revealed inadequacies in the content of the current Vocational Technical Training program; by not meeting the expectation of forming job skills. With this, areas of improvement were detected for students, with a program that does integrate technological tools that align technical skills with the expectations of the productive sector. Conclusion. It is concluded that the development of the new Vocational Technical Training program is important to guarantee a design with updated and relevant content; where both high school students and the institutions to which they belong benefit; obtaining a better positioning in the market and strengthening the adaptation capabilities of the work environment. General area of study: education. Specific area of study: Vocational Technical Training (FTP) in Technical Baccalaureate. Type of study: original.


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How to Cite
Molina Barbotó, D. E., Molina Barbotó, A. S., Guzmán Hernández, R., & Maceo Castillo, L. M. (2024). Professional technical training to develop work skills in technical baccalaureate students . ConcienciaDigital, 7(4), 103-119.


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