Digital interactive guide with educational strategies for the development of interpersonal relationships for students with catastrophic illnesses
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Introduction: In the current educational context, the focus on the comprehensive students’ well-being with specific needs has acquired significant relevance. In particular, the development of interpersonal relationships has been identified as a crucial aspect for the emotional and social growth of students with catastrophic illnesses. Objective: The aim of this study is to propose a digital interactive guide with educational strategies to develop the interpersonal relationships of the JG student with a catastrophic illness at an Educational Unit located in the Pastaza Province. Methodology: The methodological approach adopted for this research is based on an interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach, using the case study method. Interviews were carried out with teachers, parents through means of observations to understand the current situation regarding the development of interpersonal relationships in these students. Results: The results revealed a series of challenges, such as lack of support in difficult situations, lack of knowledge about effective strategies to foster interpersonal relationships, and a shortage of emotional regulation skills. Therefore, an interactive digital guide with educational strategies has been built, aimed at teachers, family members and classmates of affected children, to improve interpersonal relationships, thus promoting their emotional and social well-being within the educational environment. Conclusions: It was concluded that through the evaluation of the design by specialist criteria it was determined that the guide is relevant, coherent, relevant, efficient and with a high impact to address the specific needs of students with catastrophic illnesses in the field of interpersonal relationships. Study Area: Education.
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