The importance of the fiscal management system case company Vietic Cia. Ltda.
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Introduction: In the year 1989 in the city of Quito, the company Villacis Imports Exports Techniques Industrializes and Commercializes Vietic Cia. Ltda., was established. Currently have 32 years of experience in the geodetic, topographic, and civil engineering area since its creation; no study of its financial situation was ever conducted. Objectives: This research study is based on the development and proposal of a fiscal management system model for Vietic Cía. Ltda.: this allows the company to be managed effectively, efficiently, and economically, promoting technical, human, and transparent management in the administrative management process, thus detailing the loss of financial resources. Methodology: This is conducted through a non-experimental investigation, since there is no manipulation of variables, it is based on the observation of its needs and it is longitudinal, since it is possible to analyze the before and after of the company when the method is implemented management system. In the same way, to achieve the design and implementation, the methods described below are used: deductive method, that is, starting with a general analysis, which leads to specific ones; analytical method, through the analysis of data from selected samples to study them individually, which at the same time uses quantitative methods, because the impact can be measured numerically with indicators; and qualitative, because it explains the situation of the company, based entirely on the requirements and needs already determined during the organizational diagnosis stage. Results: A comparative study of financial documents corresponding to the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 was conducted based on the criteria for obtaining information, from a selected population to ensure that the feasibility and feasibility requirements of the minimum conditions necessary for conducting the investigation. Conclusions: Finally, with the identification of criteria and indicators, it is possible to measure the economic performance of a company and it is about promoting a technical, human, and transparent management in the delicate process of administration and the provision of financial resources.
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