The content of the Anatomía Digital Journal is organized into the following sections:

  1. Editorial / Editorial. It contains the opinion of the journal and will be written by the Director of the journal or by a member of the Editorial Board, at the request of the Director. It deals with the subject to be dealt with in each issue, on particular articles published in it, or on general topics in medicine, biomedicine and public health. The editorial reflects the personal opinions and positions of the person writing it. It must be signed by the person writing it.
  2. Original articles. These are reports of original research, bibliographic reviews or special reports on topics of interest at the national or regional level. Manuscripts presented at meetings and conferences do not necessarily qualify as scientific articles. Manuscripts that have been previously published in print or electronic format will not be accepted. Brief communications are published with the aim of presenting novel or promising techniques or methodologies or preliminary results that are of particular interest.
  3. Clinical cases. Clinical case studies are accepted as long as they contribute to the scientific knowledge of a particular pathology or are unique findings not described in the scientific literature.
  4. Current topics. This section describes topics related to diseases and health problems of priority importance. Unlike articles, current topics do not represent original research. However, the same quality criteria that define original scientific articles apply to current topics.
  5. Presentation of clinical image. The most relevant clinical image of the edition will be published on one page in each issue, with a detailed explanation of it.
  6. Publications and events. This article reviews the content of recent publications on topics in medicine and biomedicine, published in Ecuador or by Ecuadorian authors. Readers are invited to send us reviews of published works on topics in their field of expertise, with the understanding that they will be edited. Each review should be a maximum of 1,500 words and describe the content of the work objectively, addressing certain essential points: the contribution of the work to a given discipline (if possible, in comparison with other works in the same genre); the quality of the printing, illustrations, and format in general; the characteristics of the narrative style and the ease or difficulty of reading. The following should also be briefly identified: the author's professional career and the type of audience to which the work is directed. In addition, upcoming national academic scientific events will be published.
  7. Letters to the Editor. These are communications addressed to the Editorial Board with the intention of clarifying or constructively commenting on the ideas expressed in the Metro Ciencia Magazine. They must be signed by the author and specify his/her professional affiliation and postal address.

Instructions for the presentation of works

By submitting a text, the author agrees to sign the ethical declaration included in the journal's forms, in which he/she declares that it is an unpublished, original and relevant collaboration for his/her discipline. Letters can be sent to . The texts will be received through the Ciencia Digital journal platform and must be identified with the full names, emails, Orcids and affiliation of the authors. Texts in Spanish, English and Portuguese are accepted. Authors who wish to send a text in another language must contact the editors.

The text file must be single-spaced, with three-centimeter margins, and must be the final version of the text. The length must fluctuate between 10 and 22 pages for all original articles; clinical cases must be between 5 and 15 pages long; in the case of special communications and analysis and expert opinions, between 3 and 10 pages long. The first page must include the title and subtitle of the collaboration, the name of the author and the institution to which he belongs. All divisions or sections will be indicated with headers aligned to the left and separated from the text by a previous line and a subsequent line. Textual quotations of more than five lines will be transcribed in a separate paragraph, without modifying the general spacing, and with a lower score. Footnotes will be composed in consecutively ordered Arabic numerals and will be placed after the punctuation marks.

An abstract of the article's content must be included in a maximum of 300 words, as well as a summary of the author's curriculum, not exceeding 120 words (with name, affiliation, email, lines of research and publications). It is also necessary to provide between 4 and 8 keywords for the identification of the content.

Uniformity criteria

The journal will maintain the following criteria in its text layout, layout and printing:

  • All text will be placed in two columns. Only those sections, such as Clinical Imaging and Publications, where this cannot be done by design will use one column.
  • The text will be written in Times New Roman font, and its different design variations (italics, capital letters, bold, etc.).
  • Only original photos, graphics and images will be accepted. Those that have been scanned or copied from another text will not be accepted.
  • Images will be attached to the article individually in jpg format, at a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Photographs must be of sufficient size to adequately show what is intended to be explained. Photos showing a commercial product or part of it without the respective authorization will not be included.
  • All tables, graphs, images or photographs that have not been cited in the text and that are not directly related to the text will be eliminated.
  • Accepted graphics and photographs will always be printed in full color, and will maintain the same font type and size in their respective title and caption of the graphic or photo.
  • The Metro Ciencia logo will remain at the beginning of each article and in each of the other sections.
  • To name the authors of each work, the most relevant academic title will always be placed first, followed by the first and last name. Their main affiliation will be cited with a superscript number.
  • The correspondence address will be the email address of the main author and a contact telephone number.
  • The page numbering will always be continuous from one issue to the next, so that the annual volume remains consistent.
  • The journal, as such, has no page limit; however, depending on the decision of the Editorial Board for each issue, the number of pages may be reduced or increased.
  • All decisions made by the Editorial Board must be published in the next issue of the journal.