The abandonment of the complaint by the victim of psychological violence. A study in the city of Cuenca

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Jhane del Carmen Garzón Crespo
María Susana Ciruzzi


The present work was the result of an investigation conducted to find out What are the causes of the abandonment of the complaint by the victim of psychological violence in the city of Cuenca? The focus of this research was qualitative. Consequently, it was developed under exploratory and descriptive methods, for which the in-depth interview was applied to five experts who know the subject perfectly, whose opinion was fundamental. The methodology used was based on research techniques: Observation, documentary review and interview with the aim of dissenting the results. This study revealed the reasons why women desist from continuing the complaint filed with the Gender Prosecutor's Office in the city of Cuenca. It is concluded that there are several causes for withdrawal that influence from a gender perspective, such as unequal power relations, socioeconomic factors. There is an urgent need for this type of studies to determine the real circumstances that cuencanas women are experiencing today, so that they receive information about the importance of continuing with the complaint and thus obtaining a better life.


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How to Cite
Garzón Crespo, J. del C., & Susana Ciruzzi, M. (2022). The abandonment of the complaint by the victim of psychological violence. A study in the city of Cuenca. Visionario Digital, 6(4), 209-228.


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