Assessment of the effectiveness of anti-doping legislation in Ecuador: analysis of legal gaps, implementation challenges, and international comparison
Main Article Content
Introduction: The main purpose of the research article entitled "Evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-doping legislation in Ecuador: Analysis of legal gaps, implementation challenges and international comparison" is to analyze the legal regulation of Sports Law in Ecuador with respect to doping. To this end, the effectiveness of the current regulations, compliance with international standards and the criteria applied to determine the corresponding sanctions are examined. Objectives: the general objective encompasses the evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-doping legislation in Ecuador to identify legal gaps and challenges in its implementation, in terms of the specific ones that are three, analyze the current regulatory provisions and alignment with international standards, analyze the performance of sports authorities, anti-doping controls and sanctions, Finally, to analyze the anti-doping legislation in Ecuador and other countries Methodology: it was carried out taking into consideration the exploratory and explanatory methodology, covering the analytical level. For the collection of information, the bibliographic review technique was applied, and an analysis was conducted in the related national and international legislation, as well as the possible existing legal gaps. Results: The analysis has determined that although Ecuadorian regulations are linked to both national and international steps and procedures designed to combat doping in sport, they present certain legal gaps, highlighting aspects such as the definition of doping, its characteristics, control methods and mechanisms, the dissemination of its consequences through information campaigns, the applicable sanctions and the delimitation of the competences of the administrative and judicial bodies responsible for judging these cases. These gaps could be filled through a reform of Title XII "Anti-Doping Control" of the Law on Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, which would strengthen the processes of prevention, control, and sanction of sports doping. Conclusions: The research identifies regulatory gaps and challenges in the implementation of anti-doping legislation such as lack of control, sanction, and education. Recommending reform of regulations, allocating resources, and promoting education and awareness. General area of study: Law. Specific area of study: sports law, anti-doping legislation. Type of article: This article is based on a narrative literature review.
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