Motivation and job performance of the employees in the "Peninsulares Unidos ASOSERPEN" Cleaning Services Association

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Claribel Sthefanía Gallegos Quiroz
Temístocles Deodato Loor Chávez


Introduction: Motivation in companies is essential for employee performance and the achievement of organizational goals. A motivating work environment can improve productivity and proactivity. This study focuses on the activities of the Asociación de Servicios de Limpieza Peninsulares Unidos (ASORPEN) in Santa Elena, where it has been noted that work motivation is closely related to employee performance. Due to a reduction in hiring and a lack of incentives, a notable decrease in employee motivation has been observed, impacting on their productivity and, consequently, the company’s competitiveness. Objectives: To evaluate motivation and its impact on job performance among the employees of the Asociación de Servicios de Limpieza Peninsulares Unidos (ASORPEN) in Santa Elena. Methodology: This research is a non-experimental, cross-sectional study focused on motivation and job performance within ASORPEN. A qualitative-quantitative and exploratory approach was employed, drawing on data and previous studies. Surveys and interviews were conducted with 12 members and 3 directors, using non-probabilistic sampling. Results: The results revealed a need for timely communication, the promotion of incentives and recognition for members, and finally, strengthened public contracting efforts to allow them access to other markets. Conclusions: In conclusion, it is crucial for the board to provide ongoing training in areas relevant to the members and to ensure timely recognition based on their job performance. General area of study: Human Talent Management. Specific area of study: Human Talent. Article type: Original.


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How to Cite
Gallegos Quiroz, C. S., & Loor Chávez, T. D. (2024). Motivation and job performance of the employees in the "Peninsulares Unidos ASOSERPEN" Cleaning Services Association. Visionario Digital, 8(4), 54-71.


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