Leadership styles in SMEs in zone 3, post analysis COVID
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The adoption of new Post COVID measures are essential to develop strategies with which the economy of goods and services companies that are made up of zone three of Ecuador is reactivated. Objective: To analyze how the leadership styles of entrepreneurs affect the post-COVID process of SMEs in zone three. Methodology: This type of research will be conducted using the descriptive methodology of the information, as well as the adoption of research methods. Bibliography to deepen the theoretical framework, the sample composed of 384 companies from a population of 243,651 institutions was obtained, for which the respective contact was established via email with active members of these organizations to obtain data that provide validity to the information obtained this in turn were valid for the coefficient called Cronbach's Alpha. Results: 50% of the managers of the SMEs in zone three affirm that the training sessions are one of the best tools to improve the operation of the company, there are 70% of the companies that are unaware of the operation of metadata within of the business activities of the company. Conclusion: a good leader can modify the organizational climate to maximize the capabilities of each member of a work team.
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