Relationship between the type of diet and the formation of biliary sludge in canines

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Gerardo Ernesto Cisneros Zurita
Juan Carlos Armas Ariza
Edy Paul Castillo Hidalgo


There is a wide variety of balanced foods, of different brands, presentation, price, quality, which meet or do not meet the minimum nutritional requirements and influence in one way or another the functioning of the organs, specifically the digestive system, including the gallbladder whose silent job is to accumulate, concentrate and transport bile.  The alternation of its functioning can generate the formation of grit that leads to stones or diseases such as acute or chronic cholecystitis (hemorrhagic), cholangiohepatitis, etc., therefore, this research aimed todetermine whether there is a relationship between the type of diet and the formation of biliary mud, taking the data resulting from the echographic examination of 100 canines selected from among those who attended the Pet Wash veterinarian during June and August 2023. Through a qualitative, observational, cross-sectional, correlational, and non-experimental approach, pertinent information was collected through a survey and then the worksheet was filled with the variables under study: age, race, sex, physical build, type of diet (balanced, homemade, mixed, barf), level of bile sludge (normal, mild, moderate, severe or severe). As a result, it was obtained that, of the variables analyzed, the type of diet has a significance index of 0.002, which confirms the assumption that feeding has a direct relationship in the formation of the bile sludge, in addition, when applying Cramer's coefficient V 2, a coefficient of 0.451 is obtained, which is equivalent to a moderate relationship between these two variables. It is concluded that, of the types of food of the canine specimens, homemade food, individual or combined (with balanced or prepared food), generates in the majority (60%) the cases of the presence of bile sludge. Science Area: Veterinary Medicine.


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How to Cite
Cisneros Zurita, G. E., Armas Ariza, J. C., & Castillo Hidalgo, E. P. (2024). Relationship between the type of diet and the formation of biliary sludge in canines. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1), 157-174.


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