Comparative study of Burnout in university students of health sciences
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Introduction: physical and mental exhaustion is common in students of health sciences careers. That is why, a comparative study on burnout in university students of health sciences was developed, for which five works were selected from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile, developed between 2018 and 2021. Objectives: to develop a comparative study of burnout in university students of health sciences in Spain and Latin America between 2018 and 2021. Methodology: the method applied was qualitative, bibliographic, and descriptive research for the comparative analysis of the findings, in this sense a summary table was elaborated where categories emerged represented in three conceptual networks: academic burnout, methods and findings, and coping. Results: dimensions and categories were identified, in which the common element was the burnout syndrome, physical and mental exhaustion; physiological and psychological consequences; incidence of values of the family, school and cultural environment; stress, anxiety and depression; academic training, self-efficacy, secondary training; to apply coping strategies (active and resolutive, passive and negative). Conclusions: burnout is frequent in students who take courses related to the management of critically ill patients or those at elevated risk of mortality. Sensitivity influences the emotional state, which causes stress and physical and mental exhaustion, sadness and isolation, a situation that affects academic performance. The sociodemographic dimension shows a tendency to female sex, single marital status. Regarding coping, the dimensions of mental state and cheerful outlook of the students, is favorable to coping and those who present high personal expectations, have less feelings of wear and tear or exhaustion. It is suggested that universities develop psychological support programs to prevent cases of academic burnout.
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