Scientific communication from undergraduate students. Challenges and potentials

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Daniel Alejandro Fernández Alonso
Diana Rosa Castillo Bocalandro
Luis Efraín Velasteguí López


Scientific research is indispensable in the creation of knowledge. The completion of the scientific cycle is marked by publications in this field. In the undergraduate period the investigative exercise is of great importance. Higher education in Cuba has potentialities that can propitiate the interweaving of the university student with the publication and to promote in a coherent way the scientific production. In turn there are several challenges that exist in this area and that hinder the effective and correct exercise of scientific research. This research aims to analyze the importance of scientific publications in undergraduate studies.


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How to Cite
Fernández Alonso, D. A., Castillo Bocalandro, D. R., & Velasteguí López, L. E. (2020). Scientific communication from undergraduate students. Challenges and potentials. ConcienciaDigital, 3(4), 62-70.


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