O cadastro no sistema e posterior acesso, por meio de login e senha, são obrigatórios para a submissão de trabalhos, bem como para acompanhar o processo editorial em curso. Acesso em uma conta existente ou Registrar uma nova conta.

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.

Focus and scope

Visionario Digital is a quarterly publication of scientific research and dissemination. It publishes original, unpublished and current research papers in Spanish, English and Portuguese, double-blind peer-reviewed.

The purpose of Visionario Digital is to promote scientific communication and academic debate in the educational field, which is why it is responsible for disseminating research results in all areas of knowledge.

The publication is edited by Editorial Ciencia Digital (a prestigious publishing house registered with the Ecuadorian Book Chamber with affiliation number 663).

The scientific journal is peer-reviewed, using the system of external evaluation by experts (peer-review), under the methodology of double-blind review, in accordance with the publication standards of the American Psychological Association (APA 6 version 2018). Compliance with this system guarantees authors an objective, impartial and transparent review process, which facilitates the inclusion of publications in international reference databases, repositories and indexes.


Visionario Digital It is indexed in the following databases: Google Scholar, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), and is part of the prestigious publishing house Ciencia Digital affiliated with the Ecuadorian Book Chamber of Ecuador, part of the network of the Indexed Magazine Ciencia Digital

The Journal is published in electronic version (e-ISSN: 2602-8085) in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The editorial line is: social and behavioral sciences, business education and administration, law, journalism and information.

  • Social and behavioral sciences

Economics, economic history, political science, sociology, demography, anthropology (except physical anthropology), ethnology, futurology, psychology, geography (except physical geography), peace and conflict studies, human rights.

  • Business education and administration

Retail trade, merchandising, sales, public relations, real estate; financial management, bank administration, insurance, investment analysis; accounting, auditing, bookkeeping; management, public administration, institutional administration, personnel administration; secretarial and office work.

  • Journalism and information

Journalism, History of Journalism, Public Opinion, Information Policy

  • Right

Local magistrates, notaries, law (general, international, labor, maritime, etc.), jurisprudence, history of law.

Visionario Digital It is published quarterly. It publishes four issues per year, in the first days of the months of January, April, July and October.

The call for submissions is open throughout the year.


Articles are received and published in English and Portuguese, in addition to Spanish.

Digital formats

Articles are available in HTML, PDF, EPUB formats.


The journal does not charge any fees for the submission, review, publication or editorial of articles. The implicit costs of the journal are made up of the fees of the reviewers and editors when the author so requires.

Peer review process

Once the relevance and scientific solvency of the manuscript has been determined by the Editorial Board, the document is sent to a minimum of two experts of recognized international prestige in the field, using the internationally standardized system of peer evaluation with "double-blind" that guarantees the anonymity of the manuscripts and their reviewers.

In the event of conflicting results, a third opinion will be sent, which will be final. As a measure of transparency, the list of reviewers is available on the Visionario Digital page, which is updated annually.

The result of the evaluation is communicated to the author, together with the comments, suggestions and observations of the referees, within a maximum period of three months from the date of receipt of the original. In all cases, the evaluations are final.

When articles are rejected because the topic does not correspond to the journal's guidelines, double-blind peer review is not performed.

When the evaluation result is positive and modifications have been indicated, the manuscript will be requested to be rewritten in accordance with the evaluators' suggestions. The author may argue about the aspects with which he or she does not agree, or choose to withdraw the proposal. The new version must be submitted within a period of two weeks; if this period expires, the article will be considered rejected. The rewritten text will be sent to one of the specialists who originally reviewed it to verify that the suggestions were made, and to a new expert in the field in order to decide whether the original is accepted for publication. Once the second version has been accepted by the academic peers, no new modifications may be made, with the exception of adapting it to the journal's standards for submitting originals.

Visionario Digital has a Creative Commons License 4.0 ofAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0The journal only retains the rights to publish the works in the digital version.


The articles published in the Visionario Digital Magazine retain the property rights (copyright) of the published works, and favor and allow their reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Ecuador license, for which they can be copied, used, distributed, transmitted and publicly displayed, provided that the authorship and original source of its publication are cited; they are not used for commercial or onerous purposes; the existence and specifications of this license of use are mentioned.

Open Access Policy

Visionario Digital is an open access journal that allows authors to reuse published works for non-commercial purposes, with the aim of promoting the dissemination of knowledge, which encourages a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Journal allows free and open access to articles in order to contribute to the visibility, access and dissemination of scientific production. All content is available free of charge and without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other legal purpose, without asking prior permission from the editor or the author.

The journal is distributed under the open access model and the licenseAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikein order to contribute to the visibility, access and dissemination of scientific production.

This policy complies with the Open Access definition of the Directory of Open Access Journals -DOAJ.

Readers' Rights
Readers have the right to read all our articles free of charge. The publications do not charge any financial fees for publication or access to their material.

Privacy Statement

We declare that all names, personal data and email addresses entered into the Visionario Digital magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in this code of ethics and editorial policy and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person. The editors will protect the personal data of the collaborators.


This journal uses different national and international repositories to host its publications, such as: Latindex, Google Scholar, the system is backed up on high-performance cloud servers on a daily basis automatically, generating optimal levels of confidence in the information stored. Visionario Digital allows the creation of permanent archives of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.

Readability and interoperability

The full text, metadata and citations of the articles can be tracked and accessed with permission. Our open social policy also allows the readability of the files and their metadata, promoting interoperability under the OAI-PMH protocol of open data and open source. The files, both of the complete publications and their segmentation by articles, are openly available in HTML formats, but also in PDF and EPUB, which facilitates their reading on any device and computing platform.

Rules for the submission of originals

The Visionario Digital magazine is a quarterly publication in its assigned area. It includes research papers, critical analysis of documentary testimonies, reports on artistic works, news, profiles and reviews of publications within the field of artistic production in all its manifestations.

Requirements for the submission of originals

By submitting a text, the author agrees to sign the ethical declaration included in the journal's forms, in which he/she declares that it is an unpublished, original and relevant collaboration for his/her discipline. Letters can be sent to ediciones@cienciadigital.org . The texts will be received through the Ciencia Digital journal platform and must be identified with the full names, emails, Orcids and affiliation of the authors. Texts in Spanish, English and Portuguese are accepted. Authors who wish to send a text in another language must contact the editors.

The text file must be one and a half spaces, with three-centimeter margins, and must be the final version of the text. The length must fluctuate between 25 and 40 pages for all articles; critical analysis of documentary testimonies and reports of artistic works must be between 5 and 25 pages long; in the case of reviews, news and profiles, between 3 and 10 pages. The first page must include the title and subtitle of the collaboration, the name of the author and the institution to which he belongs. All divisions or sections will be indicated with headers aligned to the left and separated from the text by a previous line and a subsequent line. Textual quotations of more than five lines will be transcribed in a separate paragraph, without modifying the general line spacing, and with a lower score. Footnotes will be composed in consecutively ordered Arabic numerals and placed after the punctuation marks.

Likewise, a summary (abstract) of the content of the article must be included in a maximum of 140 words, as well as a resume of the author, not exceeding 120 words (with name, affiliation, email, lines of research and publications). It is also necessary to provide between 5 and 7 keywords for the identification of the content.

Critical apparatus

  1. The critical apparatus (the set of citations, references and footnotes that give rigor and solidity to the text) must follow the guidelines established by The Chicago Manual of Style, whose quick guide can be consulted at:http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html
  2. Bibliographical references should include: author (first and last names in upper and lowercase), title of the book (city: publisher, year), pages cited; for example: Ernst Hans Gombrich, Art and Illusion. A Study of the Psychology of Pictorial Representation, trans. Gabriel Ferrater (Madrid: Debate, 1998), 286.
  3. When dealing with a work by more than two authors, only the first two will be mentioned followed by the Latin phrase et al.
  4. In the case of citing a chapter from a book: author, “name of the chapter”, in author, Title of the book (city: publisher, year), pages cited; for example: Jorge Sebastián Lozano, “Veritas Filia tempori: Gombrich and tradition”, in ed. Paula Lizárraga, H. Gombrich, in memoriam (Pamplona: eunsa, 2003), 387-406.
  5. Hemerographic references must include: author, “Title of the article”, name of the publication (in capital letters), volume number, issue (publication date): pages cited; for example: Francisco Egaña Casariego, “Joaquín Vaquero Palacios en Nueva York”, Archivo Español de Arte 86, no. 343 (2003): 237-262. In the case of a newspaper: author, “title of the article”, name of the newspaper, volume, issue, section, date, year, page; for example, Teresa del Conde, “Naturaleza herida: González Serrano”, La Jornada, vol. 54, no. 24, sect. Opinión, August 20, 2013, 12.
  6. If the nature of the text requires making references to works within it and using the author-year documentation system in parentheses, it is requested to also follow the provisions of The Chicago Manual of Style; for example: (De La Fuente 1996, 114).
  7. References to documents in archives will be presented as follows: issuer; title of the document; date; full name of the repository the first time it is cited and, in parentheses, those that will be used subsequently; internal location of the document and pages consulted, for example: Archive of the Metropolitan Cathedral Council of Mexico (hereinafter ACCMM), Council Minutes, book 22, page 3, January 7, 1684.
  8. Web pages will be cited as follows: author's name, "title", direct link to the text (consulted and the date), example: Rocío Robles Tardío, "The metaphor and the trace of the railroad in the formulation of modern housing in Le Corbusier",dialnet.uniroja.es/servlet/eemplar?code=339925(accessed October 30, 2013).
  9. For film references: director, title of the film (location: production company, year), duration; example: Federico Fellini, La dolce vita (Rome/Paris: Riana Film/Pathé Consortium Cinéma, 1960), 174 min.
  10. References to sound recordings will be formulated as follows: name of the composer, title, director, record company, year, for example: Silvestre Revueltas, Tragedia en forma de rábano (not plagiarism), Enrique Diemecke, Gramophone, 1990.


  1. A Word file must be sent as a reference with the images and their corresponding captions numbered according to their appearance in the text, accompanied by the “Format for the delivery of images” duly filled out. It is important to ensure that the images meet the general requirements, such as: sharpness, definition, good framing, so that they achieve good quality.
  2. If you have plates, slides or photographs printed on photographic paper, the size must be at least 5 x 7 cm for print quality. Once digitized, the original material will be returned to you.
  3. If digital images are submitted, they must meet the following requirements: a) photographs and halftones: at 300 dpi, in .tif format and 14 cm wide; b) line drawings (maps, diagrams): at 1200 dpi, in .tif format and 14 cm wide. They must be submitted numbered on a CD (labeled with the name of the author, the name of the article and the date the disc was recorded); or they can be sent by email or Dropbox, for which it is necessary that the files are numbered according to their captions.
  4. Scanned copies of books or magazines are not accepted.
  5. Captions: the numbering will be in accordance with the names of the files submitted, followed by: author, title of the work, date, dimensions, city. Source or collection. Photo credit © or to whom the patrimonial rights of the image correspond for paper and electronic edition.
  6. Reproduction permissions: the author must submit in writing the reproduction permissions for the illustrations that require it, for the online edition. Only when the journal has inter-institutional agreements can the permissions be processed by the legal department of the journal's publications department.

Editorial process

  1. Once the text has been confirmed as received, it will be submitted to a pre-selection by the editors of the journal, in which its thematic relevance will be determined. Once the work is deemed relevant for publication, it will be submitted to confidential arbitration; in the case of research articles, documentary analyses and works, they will be judged by two specialists in the subject; profiles and reviews will be assigned to a single referee.
  2. Reviewers must be external to the journal's editorial team and have no relationship with the author. They must have master's or doctoral studies and have published at least one research article, reflection article or critical review related to the subject of the manuscript. An evaluation form will also be made available so that they can express their opinion on the quality of the originals received.
  3. Regardless of the results, the content of the reports will be delivered to the authors. The anonymity of both the evaluators and the authors will be maintained at all times.
  4. The editors of the journal may request modifications or reject the contribution based on the resolutions of the opinions, which may be: a) approved without changes, b) approved with suggestions, c) approved subject to the implementation of the indicated changes, d) or rejected.
  5. In the event that the author is merely addressing suggestions or conditions, he/she will detail the changes made to his/her text. The editors will review the modifications introduced by the author in relation to the suggestions or conditions of the opinions and then proceed, only if they are met, to accept them.
  6. If the author does not agree with the opinions, he/she may state his/her disagreement in writing. The editors of the journal, together with the Editorial Board, will assess the situation and, if necessary, request a third opinion.
  7. Visionario Digital requires that authors transfer the copyright ownership to the journal Visionario Digital so that their article and materials are edited and published in paper or electronic media or in any other technology for exclusively scientific and cultural purposes and without profit. To do so, authors must submit the copyright ownership transfer letter form, duly filled out and signed. This form will be sent by mail or email in PDF file during the galley review process.
  8. Once the text has been accepted and the previously mentioned requirements have been met, the complementary material (images and reproduction permissions) will be reviewed. It is the authors' obligation to replace any material that does not meet the quality for printing.
  9. If necessary, the editors, in agreement with the authors, may request modifications from the authors in order to respect the editorial design.
  10. Authors must undertake to review both galleys (in order to approve the correctness of the text) and fine proofs (to confirm that the sequence of images is correct and that they correspond with their captions). Under no circumstances will major modifications to the text be accepted.

Code of ethics and good editorial practices

From the editorial staff

The editor and the members of the advisory board and academic committee must maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the materials received and the discussions related to decision-making.

All names, personal data and email addresses entered into the Visionario Digital magazine are used exclusively for the editing purposes stated in this code of ethics, and will therefore not be made available for any other purpose or person. The editors protect the personal data of contributors.

The editorial board of the journal has the obligation to communicate to the author any matter related to his/her collaboration during the evaluation process and editorial production.
From the authors

The articles submitted must be the product of original and unpublished research; they must not have been previously published in any printed or electronic media, except in personal and/or institutional repositories of limited distribution. The texts must not be submitted simultaneously to another publication.

The authors are solely responsible for the content of the texts and for any dispute or claim related to intellectual property rights, and must therefore exonerate the editorial board of the journal.

Authors must provide all information related to the research that supports the article, as well as specify whether it is part of another research in progress and whether it was presented at a seminar or conference.

Authors must acknowledge their scientific sources, clearly stating the origin of their ideas, methodologies, sources, etc., so that readers can consult them and compare, if they consider it necessary, the use that has been made of them.

From the peer review process

The submitted articles are reviewed anonymously by at least two academic peers who are experts in the subject of the text. The reviewers are suggested by the members of the advisory board and the editorial committee. In the event of discrepancies between the evaluations, the text is sent to a third referee whose decision defines the final opinion. The advisory board and the editorial committee are responsible for weighing up lax or biased opinions to ensure a fair and impartial evaluation.

Authors should ensure that the article and any supplementary files do not contain metadata that would compromise the anonymous review process.

The editor will inform the author of the results of the evaluations, together with the comments, suggestions and observations of the evaluators, within a maximum period of twelve weeks from the date of receipt of the original. The result of the evaluation is final in all cases.

When the results of the evaluations determine the introduction of additions and/or modifications, the editor will request that the manuscript be rewritten in accordance with these indications. Authors have the right to reply, and may therefore argue about the aspects of the opinions with which they do not agree, as well as choose to withdraw their proposal.

Corrected versions must be submitted within a period of no more than eight weeks. The revised text will be sent to the specialists who reviewed it so that they can confirm that their suggestions have been taken into account. Once the second version has been accepted by the academic peers, no further modifications may be made, with the exception of adaptation to the journal's standards for submitting originals.

Reviews are not subject to evaluation.

From the judges

The evaluator undertakes to carry out the evaluation in the format and within the established period. If he/she is unable to comply with the provisions, he/she must decline the request.

When the evaluator identifies the authorship of the manuscript, he or she must reject the editor's invitation for review.

When evaluators find evidence of inappropriate behaviour in articles: plagiarism, self-plagiarism, excessive use of self-citation, false or manipulated data, incorrect or inappropriate citations, double submission of manuscripts, they must inform the editor, who will reject the article, stating the reason. If the offence is discovered during the course of editorial production, the article in question will be withdrawn; if it happens when it has been published, the electronic version will be deleted.

Reviewers must maintain absolute discretion, which means refraining from disseminating or commenting on the works received for review.

The editor undertakes to respond promptly and in a reasoned manner to any complaint from authors, reviewers or readers that is considered relevant.


Ethical violations will be punished depending on their severity. In the case of suspicion or well-founded accusation of plagiarism, an ethics committee composed of peers will be established to investigate the allegations and recommend sanctions. In the case of confirmed plagiarism, the article will be withdrawn from the journal and a legend will be placed stating the reasons for the withdrawal.

Visionario Digital adheres to the code of conduct standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):


Regulations for Auditors

Visionario Digital It has a team of national and international reviewers, experts in the topics. The reviewers must operate in accordance with the instructions for reviewers as well as the publication's code of ethics.

Digital preservation policy

The preservation of the OJS platform is carried out periodically during the process of backing up information from the Visionario Digital Journal. Identical copies are kept incrementally on a daily basis, and a complete copy of the entire OJS portal and its database is made weekly. In this sense, the Journal has the following storage system:


PKP Preservation Network (PN)

Visionario Digital adheres to the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and to the principles of transparency and good practices of the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA):




All manuscripts submitted for review are inspected by a disciplined anti-plagiarism policy, which ensures the originality of the articles with a set of specific tools for detecting plagiarism: Viper Plagarism.

These are freely accessible and paid interfaces, which monitor the originality of any manuscript and allow plagiarism control.

Visionario Digital It is attached to Ciencia Digital and the Ciencia Digital Publishing House, as part of a network of journals, with the aim of promoting research and collaboration for academic and scientific development.