Soil Carbon in secondary forest and grass
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Introduction: Soil contains the largest reserve of organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, and it is the natural resource with the greatest vulnerability to climate change. Objective: To determine to what extent land use change influences carbon sequestration and fractioning in secondary forests and pastures soil. Methodology: This study was conducted in San Miguel de Barranca, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Elevation at this location range from 150 to 200 m.a.s.l., average annual rainfall of 2043 mm, and rough terrain with 23-55% steep slopes. We investigated three systems, mixed improved pastures with trees (PmA), degraded pastures (Pd), and secondary forest (Bs). Each replication had nine sampling points: three main trial pits (1x1x1m) across the slope and six mini-trial pits (0.5 x0.5 x0.5m) evenly spaced along a 20m transect. Laboratory analysis consisted of soil physical-chemical fractioning with a Flash EA 1112 autoanalyzer. Results: PmA system stored the highest value of organic carbon in the soil (141.79 Mg ha-1) up to 0.8 m deep, followed by Pd (133.22 Mg ha-1) and Bs (85.80 Mg ha-1). Pasture systems displayed 68.2% passive carbon and 65% in secondary forests. Discussion: The carbon storage trend PmA > Pd > Bs is likely due to biophysical and topographical phenomena linked to heavy rainfall. Precipitation could have influenced the carbon cycle in the secondary forest floor to have the lowest value. Conclusions: 50% of the total organic carbon is stored between 0 and 20 cm deep in the soil and, to a considerable extent, in the labile form. Carbon is released due to deforestation or ecological anomalies associated with climate change. Our results show the need to preserve forested areas and restore degraded areas.
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