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Analysis of transmission of conditional volatility
from market risk factors
de transmisión de volatilidad condicional de factores de riesgo de mercado=
Antonio Ruebn
Recibido: 21-02-2021 / Revisado: 29-02-2021 /Aceptado: 22-03-2021/
Publicado: 05-04-2021
Abstract =
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i2.1700
article aims to understand the transmission of volatility from the main mar=
indicators of the European financial system, towards market interest rates,
focusing on the prices of the swap with maturity of one year and payments of
three months as endogen variable and the three main indexes of the European
market as CAD, DAX3, and IBEX35, as an exogenous variable. The exogenous wi=
ll absorb
all the necessary information from the market agents as companies, banks,
investments funds, or from externals disturbances as European Central Banks=
will affect the levels and the slope of the swap prices. Introduction.
SWAP is the financial instrument that will be employed to analyze the chang=
of the volatility in the market because it is the bigger derivative inside =
the group of Fixed Income Assets. It is with the greatest depth and liquidi=
being one of the best instruments for developing market strategies of
investment. Aim. Analyst the
transmission of volatility from the systematic risk, represented by indices=
the market, through the swap prices. Results.
DAX30 and CAD transference of volatility are positive, in the particular ca=
of the CAD the effect of transference is significantly positive and extended
because the coefficient is greater than 1. IBEX35 provides an extended nega=
correction. Meaning for every one percentage point change in the IBEX35, It can be expected on average that the volatility of t=
swap will move in -4.19 percentage point. Conclusion:
The slope of the curve o the endogen variables will be determined by the
transmission of the volatility from the exogenous variables and the correla=
level of the endogenous will adopt with each index
Keywords: Volatility, GAR=
SWAP, Index.
codes: G120, G230, B230
lang=3DEN-US style=3D'font-family:"Times New Roman",serif'>
artículo tiene como objetivo comprender la transmisión de la volatilidad =
de los
principales indicadores de mercado del sistema financiero europeo, hacia los
tipos de interés de mercado, centrándose en los precios del swap con
vencimiento a un año y pagos a tres meses como variable endógena y los tr=
índices principales. del mercado europeo como CAD, DAX3 e IBEX35, como var=
exógena. Los exógenos absorberán toda la información necesaria de los a=
del mercado como empresas, bancos, fondos de inversión o de perturbaciones
externas como los Bancos Centrales Europeos y afectarán los niveles y la
pendiente de los precios de los swap. Introducción. SWAP es el instrumento financier=
o que
se utilizará para analizar los cambios de volatilidad en el mercado por se=
r el
derivado más grande dentro del grupo de Activos de Renta Fija. Es con mayor
profundidad y liquidez siendo uno de los mejores instrumentos para desarrol=
estrategias de mercado de inversión. Apuntar. Analizar la transmisión de =
volatilidad del riesgo sistemático, representado por índices de mercado, a
través de los precios swap. Resultados. La transferencia de volatil=
del DAX30 y CAD son positivas, en el caso particular del CAD el efecto de la
transferencia es significativamente positivo y extendido porque el coeficie=
es mayor que 1. IBEX35 proporciona una corrección negativa extendida. Es d=
por cada cambio de un punto porcentual en el IBEX35, se puede esperar en
promedio que la volatilidad del swap se mueva en -4,19 punto porcentual. Conclusión:
La pendiente de la curva de las variables endógenas estará determinada po=
r la
transmisión de la volatilidad de las variables exógenas y el nivel de
correlación de las endógenas adoptará con cada índice.
Palabras clave: Volatilidad, GARCH, SWAP, Índice.
Códigos JEL: G120, G230, B230
The swaps are working in regulated stock markets, as this market
represents a small percentage of the market trading activities and O.T.C (O=
the Counter) markets; however, the nonregulation markets or OTC represents =
biggest part of the negotiation. Where the traders can negotiate all the
aspects of the contract: maturity, the percentage of the interest rate, the
amount of capital, risk premium, among others (Robert N McCauley 1998.)
Furthermore, it is necessary to highlight the analysis of market ris=
systematic risk, or diversifiable risk, depending on the author's criteria
(Carsten Detken / Philipp Hartmann. 2008). Mark=
risk is created by interdependencies between the companies who are operatin=
g in
the same system or market, in which the failure of an entity or group of
entities can cause a cascade failure of the market (Big Banks Accused of
Monopolizing Interest Rate-Swap Market 2015).
The movements of the companies who are interrelated within the market
are collected through market indicators or indexes; if the index suffers st=
contractions or strong rises can collapse the system or overvalue the market
with the possibility of generating fictitious yields. These indicators collect in their daily
prices, all the necessary information to explain the performance of the main
companies in the eurozone, providing information about their business level=
tendencies of performance, being able to alert the European momentary autho=
(European Central Bank). There are several indicators in the European Union=
the three main are CAD German, DAX30 French, and IBEX35 in Spain, these
indicators can represent the consistency of the European market, the German
indicator is one of the less volatile and with the highest turnover, the DA=
IBEX35 are more volatile indicators and with the high turnover that explain=
movements of the euro as the common currency.
If the European central bank moves the interest rate, forward rates =
change, and with it the swap prices. It has been affected by the increase of
the market volatility and how it has been already mentioned in times of high
instability forward rates are not capable to estimate Interest rate swap, I=
rates as unbiased estimators. It can be observed how the volatility increas=
when quantitative easing policies interrupt markets, forcing to offer asset
with profitability negative, like German bonds with negative interest rate.
Since the volatility is transferred to the IRS (De La Torre Gallegos, A 199=
Because investors are looking for bonds with negative returns, there are
several reasons why to invest in these bonds. On the one hand, for speculat=
reasons, it may be a good opportunity if we foresee that prices will contin=
to fall or, on the contrary, they will experience an increase.
On the other hand, we can find benefits caused by the exchange rate,
capital gain forecast, or by foreseeing the future demand and supply, or
because you do not want to expose yourself to total losses with bonds that
offer positive returns, but with a high risk of default. These are the main
reasons why it is so convenient to anticipate or understand the market
movements and to be able to develop a model that explains these increases or
decreases in volatility of the swap (Robert F. Engle, 1999).
Using the increase of volatility as a perturbation of the market Pau=
l R.
Masson and Bart G. Turtelboom (1997), have used=
use to analyze the stability of the currency as the key for the success of =
European Economic and Monetary Union.
Although there is no decision about the monetary policy framework, y=
it is probably going to include either money or inflation targeting. Under =
policy rules, the outcome is compared by stochastic simulations for
macroeconomic and financial variables to analyze the effect of replacing the
European currencies with the euro.
According to the results, the macroeconomic variables should stay st=
although structural changes are not made.
While the concentration of liquidity in the future markets in the Ge=
government bond brings a measure of integration to the euro government bond
market, the disproportion of futures and cash market may leave the euro
government bond market less liquid than it might be otherwise. Richard Portes and Helene Rey (1998) found that the euro migh=
t take
on roles of the dollar while assessing the plausibility of the three-region
world model and the implications for economic efficiency with forex and
security market data as the welfare analysis revealed potential quantitativ=
significant benefits for the euro area.
Once we have analyzed the market disturbances and volatility increas=
we will finish this dissertation by talking about the transmission of
instability from the markets to interest rates, therefore Dyl
and Joehnk (1981), using a week sample of the <=
class=3DSpellE>t-bills prices shows us how the riding strategies are=
profitable than to use a benchmark strategy, the authors have been used
Briefly, it is noticeable, that they developed a model where they co=
find that the discrete regime shifts have as their subordinates the short
interest rate and the market price of risks.
Consequently with this idea Fabio Fornari
(2005), in his article "The rise and fall of US dollar interest rate
volatility: evidence from swaptions"; he expresses that the interest r=
volatility that emerges from the swaptions prices increased in all major
economic areas more than the euro rates between 2001 and before the spring =
2004 because, after the beginning of the year 2004, the volatility of the US
dollar has decreased. Through his article, the author distinguishes between=
expected volatility and the volatility risk, and he analyzes if the rise of=
interest rate volatility had a relationship with the expected volatility or
with the compensation that comes with the volatility risk, and the results =
of Fornari, shows that between 2001and the first months =
2004, the volatility of the dollar caused a substantial compensation for ri=
what after made decreased it significantly.
Examining the forex market for its high volatility and transmission =
other indicators (Carten D=
and Philipp Hartmann, 2000) examined the role of the major currencies with
higher importance on the first year of the euro not only for international
financing but also for international investment, with several key factors
determining how international portfolio investments distribute. For
international financing and investment, the euro became the second most used
currency in almost all important market segments,
slightly overtaking the US dollar in the second half of 1999, although early
external asset supply is absorbed by euro area residents. Lorenzo Cappiello and Peter Hördahl
(2006) measured the integration of the European financial markets with GARCH
correlations and a regression quantile-based codependence. In both equity a=
bond area markets an increase in co-movements was documented as an indicati=
of a progressing integration. However, co-movements in equity markets indic=
a limited increase only to large euro area economies.
The dynamic no-arbitrage term structure model is to examine the pric=
implications of the euro. The analysis shows a decreased variability of pre=
as a result of smaller macro shocks, and as factors influence the dynamics =
premia still after the introduction of the euro. Michael G. Kollo
(2005) has found a significant but declining association between the home
market of the currency of denomination and the lead underwriter. The
competitive landscape for underwriting services was rearranged by the
amalgamation of the European currencies, shifting from European underwriter=
s to
U.S. Underwriters causing an increase of the new issues declining the gross
underwriter spread.
The data that is going to be used to analyze the transfer of volatil= ity from the market to the interest rate swap will be the main market indicator= s in the eurozone collected in discrete intervals of time. The indicators represent different seg= ments of the European economy, DAX30 represents the German ec= onomy, CAD-40 includes the most signif= icant companies inside of the French economy and finally, the IBEX-35 includes the companies with the highest turnover inside of the Spanish economy. Data were taken daily from 02/01/2004 to 09/06/2016, as explicative variables which a= re transferring volatility to the independent variable as the interest rate SW= AP, 3 months payments with one year of maturity (SWAP3m1Y), SWAP3m1Y variable h= as been estimated with the theory of expectations, using EURIBOR and the impli= cit forwards. The data investigation is coming from the three main indicators <= o:p>
European Central Bank and Bloomberg
1 Daily price quotes of European indexes.
Not Stationary in Mean
𝛼 indicates the ARCH effect associated with the residual of the ARIMA =
considered and 𝛽
captures the persistence in volatility. Once the model is selected the seri=
has to complete the following requirements, the times series has to be: Stationaries
in mean, No stationaries in variance. In Figure 1, we can observe that =
series have a cyclical component and it is not stationary in its mean, sinc=
e it
tends the series have to be transformed.
Graph created by E-Views
2 European indexes.
Because the series is not stationary in mean, the series has been
transformed in yields. Once the transformation is complete, we have to chec=
if the new series is stationary in a mean. The tendency assumption of the
previous section can be corroborated using the unit root test, which for a
significance of 5% level, we have to accept the null hypothesis and conclude
that series are not stationaries in mean p-values are lower than 0.05.
To demonstrate the not stationary It was used one of the most popular
test Dickey-Fuller, for autoregressive and random walk models, stochastic
processes can include or exclude a constant term and can include or exclude=
time trend. In the model, the Constant and Linear trend was included. The n=
and alternative hypotheses, if we do not reject the null hypothesis that =
span> =3D 0, we conclude that the series is
nonstationary in a mean. If we reject the null hypothesis that
=3D 0, we conclude that the series is s=
a mean.
We observe that the distribution that most closely resembles the
frequency histogram provided by the indexes series is the Normal distributi=
The parameters obtained are the following for a 95% confidence interval. We=
cant reject the null hypot=
and the times series are is nonstationary in a mean:
Graph created by E-Views
3 Histogram Normal Probability Distribution.
original series was transforming to their first logarithmic difference given
their non-stationarity in levels:
Hull (2015)
Log r=
Equation 1
Where Ri is the return of the asset in the I moment and Pi, is the p=
of the index or interest rate in the I moment and Pi-1 is the price of one
trading day before. On graph 18, =
we can
observe how the series has been transformed in the first difference and it =
be observed that the tendency has disappeared and the and the series has a
reversion to the mean required by the GARCH model.
To proceed with the analysis of the first statistical moments of the
selected variables, in the first place, the corresponding update of interest
rates has been carried out using the update factor in discrete-time 1 / (1 =
+ R
(1)), It would give us the same result as if the continuous-time update fac=
e-R(1) were applied. Through the updates, the daily returns of e=
of the data series have been calculated by applying their corresponding
transformation into Naperian logarithms, LN (Pt=
The variance of each of the series has been calculated as the
mathematical expectation of the square of the deviations between the values=
the variable and its mathematical expectation. The standard deviation is the
square root of the variance, taken with a positive sign. Annualization can =
achieved from the volatilities calculated for each period of a certain
frequency, without more than multiplying by the square root of the number of
data of that frequency in a year.
Therefore, inevitably, the annualized volatility is higher than both=
variance and the standard deviation since it is a function of the time hori=
In the time series of financial instruments, which follow a Gaussian random
walk, volatility increases according to the square root of the time horizon.
The longer the time interval considered, the greater the annualized volatil=
However, the size of the sample does not condition the estimate. As can be =
in Figure 4, the annualized volatility is much higher than the sample varia=
as a consequence of the effect of the time horizon in the calculation of the
previous. If we analyze the time series of the volatilities of the indexes,
greater volatility can be seen in periods of greater economic uncertainty,
mainly during the economic crisis in the United States (2008) and, in
particular, due to the possible bankruptcy of Goldman Sachs investment grou=
When drawing financial conclusions, it is important to assess the data obta=
since if we took into account the variance to calculate the risk of said
financial instrument, we could conclude that each of them presents a very l=
risk. However, if we consider the annualized volatility, the instruments ha=
ve a
much higher risk, which could lead us to an equivocal conclusion.
Graph created by E-Views
4 Stationary Time Series.
Model is stationary in mean:
Once the series is stationary in a mean. As the second step, it has =
identify the not stationary in variance. The ARCH (Autoregressive Condition=
Heteroscedasticity) and GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroscedasticity) models considered by Engle [1982] and Bollerslev
[1986], provide us and specific tool to generate estimations of the volatil=
ity in
a short time. On the other hand, =
variances are NO conditionals the It could generate predictions in long
The volatility estimation is carried out from multivariate GARCHs th=
allow estimating the volatility of each variable separately without losing =
joint dynamics of the system, and verifying if there is a contagion of fisc=
volatility on the levels and volatilities of the other variables considered=
(Bollerslev, 1986)
To identify the AR model that the series follows, We have to identif=
y if
the serie depends on the constant or it depends=
the lags, with the correlogram :
Significance test, to iden=
GARCH effects: The variance depends on the past innovations and depends on =
past variance.
Econometric Models (2015)
Equation 6
– Confirm Stacio=
in mean
– The variance does not raise to infi=
Test of Significance
- Pos=
–The most recent past is more importa=
lang=3DEN-GB style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Cambria",serif;mso-fare=
"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:
e 13
it can be observed that the model follows an ARCH(1) observing the autocorre=
We observe little autocorrelation in each of the series, both with partial =
simple autocorrelation, all values are within the confidence bands. It shou=
be noted that there is an auto-relationship of order 1 in the interest rate
series, ARMA1 auto-correlation, both partial and simple.
Graph created by E-Views
5 Autocorrelation Figure SWAP prices.
We can observe that the Figure has a trend component; the model requ=
that it be stationary in its mean. In order, to use the GARCH model we have=
determine if the times series are heteroscedastic, not stationary in varian=
and stationary in mean. To demonstrate the not
stationary in variance, it has been tested with the heteroscedastic test, it
has been changed the variables in yields and we have run the unit roof test
(Carte Hill, Willian Griffiths, Guay Lim, 2011,=
In figure number 6, it can be observed that the p-values are
significantly lower than 0.05, the sum of the parameters are lower than 1 a=
all the variables are positives. Once the model has been tested the no
stationarity in variance, can use the DCC to estimate the equation that all=
the model to understand the transmission of volatility from the market to t=
interest rate swaps. In the following graphical: it can be observed t=
conditional variance of each variable. To generate projections in short ter=
the conditional variable will take into consideration the changes of the
volatility in each period, the analysis of projections is not part of this
dissertation but it has to be take considered for futures analysis.
Source: Based on E-< Simulations
6 Conditional Volatility of each variable
Using structural multivariable DCC- GARCH (Dynamic Conditional
Correlation) model (Engle and Sheppard,2001), it be analyzed the transferen=
of volatility between different time’s series; observing how the main
indicators of the market risk are influencing the prices of the SWAP intere=
rates of 3-month payment with 1year of maturity. The volatility can be defi=
as the conditional variance of the subjacent variable in our case the indic=
of the European market. To carry =
this estimation we need to arrive at the final equation that will provide us
with the volatility transfer:
Once the model has been settle and estima=
It can be observed that all the coefficients of the model are significant w=
a p-value of 0.05. That means based on the estimation that exists transmiss=
of volatility from the market to the interest rate with changes of the
volatility of one of the variables will expect changes in the volatility of=
Equation created by Stata
DCC -=
Output Stata Calculation
In th=
e case
of DAX30 and CAD the transference of volatility is positive, in the particu=
case of the CAD the effect of transference is significantly positive and
extended because the coefficient is greater than 1. Meaning for every one
percentage point change in the CAD, It can be ex=
on average the volatility of the swap will raise by 1.94 percentage point
extended. The reason for this extended transference can be observed for the
higher correlation that the variable present with the SWAP, in Figure 28 the
average of this correlation is in average positive and greater than 0.5 what
shows that the French market is highly exposed to the prices of the SWAP
because of turnover volume that this market plays in the eurozone.
Based on Matlab Simulation
8 Correlations CAD –SWAP
The D=
although offerings a positive correlation and exist transition of volatility
from the market to the swap prices. It
can be observed that on average the correlation is no significant because t=
market isn’t so volatile as the French market and it can be concluded tha=
t is
no too much exposed to the movement of the swap prices as can be observed in
Figure 9.
Based on Matlab Simulation
9 Correlations DAX –SWAP
IBEX35 is providing an extended negative correction. Meaning for every one
percentage point change in the IBEX35, It can be
expected on average that the volatility of the swap will move in -4.19
percentage point. This very pronounced transfer of volatility is due to the
great uncertainty that the Spanish market has had since the 2012 attack on
government bonds leading to a scenario of uncertainty about the continuity =
the eurozone market.
Based on Matlab Simulation
10 Correlations IBEX –SWAP
On an=
hand, the DCC-GARCH model has shown that there is a transference of the
volatility from the market to the interest rate (significant coefficients) =
especially when the uncertainly is higher in the DAX30, CAD, IBEX-35 indexes
(Robert N and William R White 1997). It may be since the monetary authority
corrects interest rate deviations every day, and is normally based on the
behavior of the banking system if the lending rate between banks increases,=
capital those banks are willing to lend to commercial agents decreases.
However, if the rate at which canary entities remain constant or the best s=
decreases, the banking entities will have more capital to make it available=
commercial agents.
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